Nigeria Health Declaration form

Nigeria Health Declaration form
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Navigating Nigeria’s Health Declaration Form: What Every Traveler Needs to Know

In an era where global health concerns are more prominent than ever, Nigeria has implemented several measures to protect its citizens and visitors. One such measure is the Nigeria Health Declaration Form, a crucial document for anyone entering the country. This form, mandatory for all travelers, is designed to monitor and control the spread of infectious diseases such as Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, which has seen a resurgence in some parts of Africa.

Understanding the Nigeria Health Declaration Form

The Nigeria Health Declaration Form is a mandatory document that all travelers must complete before entering the country. This form is part of Nigeria’s broader strategy to track and mitigate the spread of infectious diseases, particularly in light of recent health threats like Mpox.

As of August 11, 2024, the Federal Ministry of Health has mandated that all incoming passengers, regardless of nationality or point of origin, must fill out this form. The form requires travelers to provide personal information, details about their travel history, and any health-related issues they may have experienced in the 21 days leading up to their arrival in Nigeria. The primary aim of this requirement is to help the Nigerian government monitor and control potential health risks posed by incoming travelers.

Travelers can access the health declaration form online through the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) website or fill out a paper version upon arrival. However, it is strongly recommended that passengers complete the form online before departure to avoid any delays or complications when they arrive in Nigeria.

Why the Health Declaration Form is Important

The implementation of the Health Declaration Form is part of Nigeria’s proactive approach to public health. Given the resurgence of Mpox and other infectious diseases, the form serves as a critical tool for early detection and containment. The information collected through the form allows health authorities to track potential cases and take appropriate action to prevent the spread of diseases.

In recent months, the Mpox virus has seen a significant resurgence across several African countries, including Nigeria. According to the Africa CDC, reported cases of Mpox have increased dramatically, prompting the Nigerian government to take additional measures to protect public health. By requiring all travelers to declare their health status, Nigeria is better equipped to identify and isolate potential cases before they can spread within the community.

How to Complete the Nigeria Health Declaration Form

Completing the Nigeria Health Declaration Form is a straightforward process, but it is essential to ensure that all information is accurate and complete. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access the Form: Travelers can access the form online at the NCDC’s official website. It is advisable to complete this form before your trip to Nigeria.
  2. Fill in Personal Details: The form will ask for basic personal information such as your name, date of birth, nationality, and passport number.
  3. Travel History: You will need to provide details of your travel history, including the countries you have visited in the 21 days before your arrival in Nigeria.
  4. Health Information: The form will ask for information regarding your health, including whether you have experienced any symptoms associated with infectious diseases or have been in contact with anyone who has.
  5. Submit the Form: Once all the required information is provided, you can submit the form online. You will receive a confirmation, which you should keep and present upon arrival in Nigeria.

Compliance and Consequences

Failure to comply with the requirement to complete the Health Declaration Form can result in significant delays and complications upon arrival in Nigeria. The Nigerian government has made it clear that all travelers must submit this form, and those who do not may face quarantine or other measures until their health status can be confirmed.

Moreover, providing false information on the form can have serious consequences, including legal action. The Nigerian authorities are taking the threat of infectious diseases very seriously, and they expect all travelers to do the same.

Preparing for Your Trip to Nigeria

In addition to completing the Health Declaration Form, travelers to Nigeria should be aware of other entry requirements and health precautions. As of now, there are no mandatory quarantine requirements for travelers arriving in Nigeria, and pre-departure COVID-19 tests are no longer required. However, travelers should remain informed about the latest health advisories and entry requirements by checking with their airline or the Nigerian High Commission.

It is also worth noting that while face masks are not currently mandatory in Nigeria, travelers are advised to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and others, particularly in crowded or enclosed spaces.


The Nigeria Health Declaration Form is an essential part of the country’s efforts to safeguard public health in the face of ongoing global health challenges. By completing this form accurately and honestly, travelers play a vital role in helping Nigeria monitor and control the spread of infectious diseases. As global travel continues to rebound, measures like these will remain crucial in ensuring the safety of all travelers and the communities they visit.

By staying informed and compliant with these requirements, travelers can enjoy a safe and hassle-free visit to Nigeria. Remember to complete the form before your departure and stay updated on any changes to Nigeria’s travel and health policies.

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