Kone Foundation Grant Program 2024

Kone Foundation Grant Program 2024
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Kone Foundation Grant Program 2024: Empowering Research and Art

The Kone Foundation Grant Program 2024 is a highly regarded funding opportunity aimed at fostering innovation, research, and artistic projects in Finland. It offers a platform for individuals, groups, and organizations to pursue bold and multidisciplinary work in the humanities, social sciences, environmental sciences, and the arts. This annual grant call has earned recognition for supporting long-term projects that cross disciplinary and national borders, while promoting environmental sustainability and inclusivity. If you are an academic, artist, or a multidisciplinary researcher looking for funding in 2024, this program is one you should not overlook.

Key Dates and Application Process

The Kone Foundation Grant Program will open for applications from September 1st to September 15th, 2024. During this period, applicants must submit their proposals through the Foundation’s Online Grant Service. Proposals are evaluated based on their boldness, cross-disciplinary approach, and alignment with the Foundation’s values of inclusivity and environmental responsibility. Applicants are encouraged to ensure that their work not only advances their field but also contributes to long-term, meaningful change.

The official application link will be available on Kone Foundation’s Online Grant Service.

Types of Projects Supported

Kone Foundation’s primary focus is on academic research and artistic work, especially in the following fields:

  1. Humanities and Social Sciences: These disciplines form a core focus of the grant program, where research that challenges prevailing academic norms is encouraged.
  2. Environmental Sciences: Projects that address the pressing global challenges surrounding environmental sustainability and protection are highly valued.
  3. Artistic Research and Multidisciplinary Projects: Artists and researchers are encouraged to explore bold, cross-disciplinary work, combining artistic methods with research for a novel approach to academic inquiry.

While these fields are the foundation of the Kone Grant, the Foundation is known for supporting projects that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. The emphasis is on creativity, inclusiveness, and long-term contributions to academic and cultural life.

Focus Areas and Values

The Kone Foundation promotes academic freedom and artistic exploration. The grants are designed for those who want to work on their own terms without being confined to producing outcomes solely for profit or commercialization. This freedom enables grantees to focus purely on research and art for its intrinsic value.

Key values of the Kone Foundation include:

  • Boldness and Innovation: The Foundation encourages projects that push the boundaries of conventional research and art, embracing risk, experimentation, and even incompleteness.
  • Inclusivity: A plurality of voices is welcomed, with the aim of bringing together a diverse range of perspectives and collaborations.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Sustainability is central to the Foundation’s mission, and all projects are encouraged to adopt environmentally conscious methods, particularly in terms of travel and resource use.

Grant Types and Funding Information

The Kone Foundation offers several types of grants, classified by career stage and the nature of the project. Monthly personal grants range from €2,700 to €3,800, depending on whether you are an early-career applicant, mid-career professional, or an experienced researcher/artist.

  • Grant 1 (€2,700/month): For early-career applicants or those working on their doctoral thesis.
  • Grant 2 (€3,200/month): For mid-career applicants with at least 10 years of experience in their field.
  • Grant 3 (€3,800/month): For late-career applicants and experienced researchers with significant accomplishments.

Grants are typically awarded for full-time work over several months or even years, allowing recipients to focus intensively on their projects.

Who Can Apply?

Applicants for the Kone Foundation Grant Program must demonstrate a connection to Finland. The grants are open to Finnish citizens working either domestically or abroad, as well as foreign applicants whose projects involve working in Finland. Additionally, multidisciplinary projects that involve collaboration between Finnish and international partners are encouraged.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Individuals conducting academic or artistic research.
  • Groups or organizations engaged in cross-disciplinary or collaborative projects.
  • Legal entities, provided they have a Finnish business ID.

How to Apply

Applications are submitted through the Kone Foundation Online Grant Service, which becomes available during the application period. The application form must be completed in full, including a detailed project description, budget, and justification of how the work aligns with the Foundation’s focus areas.

To strengthen your application, it’s essential to:

  • Highlight the innovative and bold aspects of your project.
  • Demonstrate a multidisciplinary approach where applicable.
  • Showcase the project’s potential to challenge traditional academic or artistic paradigms.

For detailed instructions and access to the application portal, you can visit the Kone Foundation’s website.

Final Thoughts

The Kone Foundation Grant Program 2024 presents a unique opportunity for researchers, artists, and innovators to embark on bold, long-term projects that can make a real impact. The Foundation’s commitment to academic and artistic freedom, environmental responsibility, and inclusivity creates a platform for forward-thinking, multidisciplinary work. If you are looking to contribute to research, art, or cultural life, this grant program offers the financial and professional support necessary to bring your vision to life.

For more information and to apply, visit the official Kone Foundation website.

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